A muslin cloth, the must-have and favourite of every mum
These multifunctional life savers can be used in countless ways! They absorb moisture easily and dry quickly. In addition to their absorbent and breathable qualities, this hydrophilic muslin cloth also feels very soft to the baby!
Organic muslin cloth available in plain colours and prints
Our contemporary prints and/or warm colours are combined and wrapped in set of organic muslin cloth, where the different cloths form a beautiful palette each time! Pick your favourite colour and/or print and get ready for a colourful and playful mix & match.
An ecological mindset: hydrophilic nappies made of 100% organic cotton
These muslin cloths, also called hydrophilic diapers or swaddle cloths, are of high quality and made of 100% organic cotton. Because of the multifunctionality of these swaddles, they will last many machine washes. Even after countless washes, the colours and prints will continue to put a smile on your baby's face.