An original look with a colourful car seat cover for your baby
Adding a car seat cover for your baby gives your car seat an original look and adds joy to every car ride! Choose a playful print, a plain colour, or mix and match for your 2 little ones!
The car seat cover is partly made of terry cloth, which is cooling and absorbing in warmer temperatures. This cooling effect makes every family outing in the hot summer months, whether near or far, a comfortable and pleasant experience, especially for your baby!
Pick your unique colourful baby car seat cover, specially designed for Maxi-Cosi® and Cybex® car seats
We have designed a baby car seat cover for Maxi-Cosi® car seats and a cover for Cybex® car seats. These 2 car seat covers are both available in different colours and are an excellent fit for your car seat!
There is no hassle in putting it on or removing it, which makes this baby car seat cover easy to change. What a wonderful feeling, to start the car ride with a fresh protective car seat cover for your baby!