School is where all children's imagination comes together
Ready to tackle this school year?
You and your favourite animal friend will shine together!
School is such an exciting time. Creating big dreams and building your own path to your unique future.
You make awesome memories with your friends and get to fuel your creativity.
On the playground is where
infinite imagination comes
together and dreams arise.
Spark your dreams
The start of a new school year also means the start of fresh dreams. Your little one's imagination is at the heart of school. It is a place where dreams are developed in abundance. Choose the right school bag to hold all those beautiful and unique dreams.
Choose the right school bag to hold all those beautiful and unique dreams.
Spark your future
You might notice what they want to be when they grow up from their expressions, imitations and grand dreams. Step by step they are on a journey towards a beautiful - yet still oh so unknown - future.
What to bring on this unique journey?
Spark your courage
Dreams often become reality. Milestones are reached constantly, and they sometimes earn the most impressive medals. Are you ready for the first time they hang up their coat independently, bring home a drawing for mum and dad or put on their own shoes?
Spark your imagination
It is not only important to dare to dream, but also to spark the imagination. With this pencil case, you have everything within reach to let creativity flow. The Trixie pencil case is available in 2 sizes.
Spark togetherness
Naturally, you take none of these unique steps alone. You are supported by teachers, family and of course all of your friends. Together you make the greatest memories that will last forever!
Share all your unique moments with our Trixie community with #backtoschooltrixie and with all Trixie children you will make the start of the school year a wonderful experience.